Do you like me now?

Apolline Muller

Installation, photography


In our digital era, where the boundaries between real and virtual blur, where the artificial form tends to dominate, Apolline proposes an exploration of the concepts of identity and the cult of the body and beauty.
Through the use of artificial intelligence, she creates hybrid portraits merging her face with those of the most influential women on the internet. These portraits capture the essence of our time where technology shapes our perception of ourselves and our environment. These petrified figures, captured in their ephemeral brilliance, remind us of the fragility of desire, while questioning the abilities of contemporary technologies to freeze and transform.
Apolline questions here the beauty standards perpetuated by social networks and the patriarchy. By exploring image retouching, she questions the social pressures related to physical appearance and invites us to reflect on how pleasure, beauty and technologies are linked.


Apolline is a young artist graduated from the master's degree in Arts, Digital Creation from the University of Aix-Marseille and currently in DNSEP Art at the Beaux-Arts d'Angers. Playing mainly with metaphors and personifications, Apolline Muller has taken as her object the sexualization and objectification of the human body. Inviting us to rethink society, the artist uses plants as a means of diverting, confronting fate, while using the feminine and masculine perception as a receptacle of rebellion. Her works reveal how beauty, but also stereotypes take place in our daily lives by conveying patterns of oppression.


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Do you like me now? © Léo Huet


Do you like me now? © Léo Huet
