Dis-moi, qui va réparer nos coeurs?
Mais dis-moi, qui va changer ce décor?
J'ai fait le vide car tout ceci n'est qu'éphémère
J'ai trimé sa mère parce que la chance n'est qu'une chimère
Et si elle existe, alors il fallait traverser la mer
C'est jamais facile et cette vie, un goût amer
Lyrics of the Kurt Cobain song from Soolking
Joëlle Majdalani is a young artist graduated from the master's degree in Digital Creation at Aix-Marseille University.
Her research focuses on web culture and particularly on memes and their interactions with the art world.
Her artistic practice explores the meanders of web culture, where individuals immerse themselves in a multitude of activities,
from sharing personal stories to simply enjoying relaxed browsing, to projecting their identity and aspirations.
She questions the impact of this digital immersion on our perception of self. In a world where the cloning of our "self" seems infinite,
she questions the very nature of this reality and its differences with the tangible world.
With halone support.
Not a choice, but an obligation © Joëlle Majdalani
Not a choice, but an obligation © Joëlle Majdalani
Not a choice, but an obligation © Joëlle Majdalani